At Evol.v Chiropractic, we start with a detailed history of your accident and a thorough physical examination to determine proper course of care. Depending upon the severity of the case, we may request detailed images such as X-rays and/or MRIs, as well as order additional tests to obtain an accurate diagnosis. We take time to provide you with the best chiropractic care and teach you the proper at-home exercises to effectively round out your care plan.
Medical/legal procedures and costs can be very stressful to anyone who experiences a motor vehicle collision. Rest assured, we at Evol.v Chiropractic are here to help and make your experience as stress-free as possible. Most Colorado citizens receive a medical pay benefit (“MedPay”) on their auto insurance policies which will cover up to $5000 in medical expenses, regardless who is at fault and regardless if you were the owner or the driver of the vehicle. With Medpay, your insurance rates will not be increased or be cancelled per Colorado Law, and this benefit does not require that you need an attorney (although in some cases an attorney is very necessary) to begin receiving the proper medical care. If you are in need of proper legal representation, we will refer you to the best lawyers who specialize in personal injury cases so that you receive the settlement you deserve while minimizing stress on your life. Our goal at Evol.v Chiropractic is to get you back to your life as quickly and easily as possible.